Saturday, November 30, 2013

Interview Question 20 : Design Asynchronous FIFO using memory

Design a 16K deep and 8 bit wide Async fifo. As FIFO is deep you need to use memory.
- What are various ways to implement this?

  • faster memory
  • 2 or more copies or pieces of memories

- How you can implement this just by using a single port memory? Assume that memory can not be run on higher frequency.
Hint: Wider memory.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Interview Question 19: Gate level logic design

Observe following timing diagram and create logic in gate level as well as in Verilog

Monday, June 24, 2013

Interview Question 18: Performance counters

A typical memory network is shown above. Device 1 can read/write the data in following 3 ways.
  • from off chip memory
  • from on chip cache
  • from on chip other slower devices
Design a logic which will provide Average Latency for these accesses.
What are the various factors which will be needed consideration?

- Can you use just one counter or set of counters to observe one transaction at a time?
- How can you use many counters to observe multiple transactions simultaneously?
- Can you use no individual counters and still get very good results?

Monday, April 22, 2013

Interview Question 17: Create a Link List in hardware

Q : Create a link list in hardware which supports following operations

- create_list
- append_item (data_in)
- pop_item (data_out)
- add_item (physical_address)
- remove_item (physical_address)

You will have following port list
- clock, reset
- command // as explained above
- data_in // 32Bytes or larger data which will be written in separate memory 
               // other than link list structure
- data_out // this will be result of pop_item command.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

IEEE 1800-2012 is available freely

In this week's DCon 2013 Accellera Systems Initiative announced that IEEE 1800 SystemVerilog Language Reference Manual will be available free of charge. Here is the link.