Monday, December 16, 2019

Interview Question 37: Swap contents of two register without having a third intermediate register

 This is a favorite question of software folks. They will ask you to swap two registers using a sequential machine. 

RTL designers get irritated as we can do it simply in one clock by doing the following.

always @(posedge clock) begin
    A <= B;
    B <= A;

Ask follow-up questions. You will hear something like this. 

"How many clocks this operation takes is not a concern. You may take 2-3 clocks to complete this operation."

This is a hint along with the ALU block.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Interview Question 36: Design a pulse width based filter

 This question is a twist on the last question. You need to create a positive edge detector but only when the input is wider than 2 clock widths.

A waveform is shown below to specify the behavior accurately.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Interview Question 35: Design a posedge detector

 Design a positive edge detector module as shown below.

A timing diagram is shown below to illustrate the behavior. You can use that to create a testbench and verify your Verilog RTL code.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Interview Question 34: Synchronize reset to a slower clock domain

 You are tasked to design a reset synchronizer. The reset is provided in the core clock domain which is a 100MHz clock domain. You need to create a reset for IP in another part of the design that is working at 1MHz.  

A timing diagram is provided to give you an idea. It is scaled back to a ratio of 6 to fit it in the diagram.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Interview Question 33: What's wrong with this design?

 Look and analyze the following design. What can wrong?

Followup question: How do you fix this?

Monday, February 4, 2019

Interview Question 32: Inverse the linked list

Consider the following pre-existing linked list(s) in a 32K deep memory. 

Design a module that takes in a head pointer (starting address) of a linked list and inverses it. Once done, it asserts a done signal with the new head pointer, which was earlier the tail pointer.

- Write pseudo code
- Draw a state diagram if you want to implement using FSM or timing diagram
- Write Verilog code.

For example, in a provided example when the head_pointer is provided as A, you should provide D as the New_Head_Pointer and assert done signal.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Interview Question 31: Create a Verilog module to drive a PWM signal to the motor.


Create a module to drive a motor with a PWM output. You are provided an N-bit bus to indicate duty cycle. This fairly open-ended question. You can add more ports to time the circuit etc.

Follow-up questions: How will you treat the feedback signal from the motor?

Hint: You are expected to ask about frequency ratios and perform synchronization etc.